Why I stopped scrolling & why it’ll help you too.

Whether you run a business or not, it’s important to keep an eye on how much time and energy you spend on being in the online world.

Towards the end of last year and really still until this point of 2022, I’ve been less active on my socials. Do you ever feel stuck in this online bubble, caught in the motion of it all? Me too, and that’s why enough was enough after a clean cut break over Christmas, I realised and reflected on the following.

I want to tell you about them in hopes that they may help you too.

1. Comparison is the thief of joy

What we don’t realise when we are scrolling is the subconscious beliefs that niggle the back of our minds. “She’s doing way more than you”, “they’re fully booked, why aren’t I?!”, “ooh she’s launched new services, maybe I should too?”. We completely lose ourselves in this noise and if we’re not conscious when we view content, it can have a really negative affect on not only us, but our business. 

2. Uniqueness

How do you see yourself coming up with fresh and innovative ideas if you’re consuming so much content? Yes, being inspired by others is great but how long does it take for point number one to kick in and for us to recreate something? When we disconnect, we generate our own magic and showcase what WE have to offer not something regurgitated from another business owner. 

3. Consistent messaging

Messaging isn’t just about words. It’s about everything your brand does. Are you a super gentle brand who is captured by points one and two and has decided to jump on a huge dance trend over on Reels? Does this represent who you are, what your audience knows to expect from you and where you want your brand to go? If no, then why are you doing it?

4. Overconsumption causes overwhelm

Our brains are not designed to consume the amount we do on a daily basis. I for one know I want to live a relatively simple life and find joy in those simplicities. Have you lost your balance? Are you making time to do things outside your business that brings you joy? When was the last time you did something that you loved from your childhood? 

5. You’re absorbing everyone’s energy

Think about it, and this isn’t some deep woo-woo BS, but when you scroll on Instagram, Tik Tok, Facebook - whatever platform you use, think about how that content is affecting you. You are literally absorbing into your body, the energy given out by the people you follow and even if you’re really selective with who you follow, you’re allowing their projections to enter your headspace. When trying to then come up with unique ideas and content, it makes it 10x more difficult. How can you control it then? Well, I set a daily 30-minute timer to do the absolute necessities that form part of my content strategy, then I leave Instagram alone. Try it and see how you feel.

This post is in no way designed to shame you to change your behaviour. It’s designed to be a point of reflection. A mirror of sorts. To allow you to check in with yourself and question some behaviours that may be holding you back.

Ultimately, you know what’s best for you.

I’m just here to remind you to check in.




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