want a more confident, empowered & efficient team?

With members who truly know and embody their unique strengths and have more conviction in their abilities?

Imagine if each of your employees knew exactly what they needed to harness their skills, produce their best work consistently and feel satisfied at work?

What motivates employees is changing. It’s no longer enough to promise promotions, pay rises and added benefits. Employees want to feel fulfilled, like they are valued members of the team and satisfied by their work. Human Design is the tool that cultivates that.

Human Design equips employees with a blueprint of who they are and what they offer, empowering them in the process. It details their unique set of skills, how they communicate, make decisions and work sustainably which supports their motivation and effectiveness within teams.


Human Design boosts self-awareness, authenticity, and individuality, empowering team members with new levels of self-trust. It uncovers strengths, skills and growth opportunities, driving continuous learning and development. With the knowledge of Human Design, individuals make better decisions, communicate more effectively, and feel more empowered.


Implementing Human Design transforms teams, boosting task efficiency, enhancing dynamics, and sharpening communication. It unlocks true potential by fostering an inclusive atmosphere where diverse perspectives thrive, driving creativity, innovation, and powerful problem-solving.


I am an established creative, freelancer, business owner or thought-leader who wants to kick it up a notch to go from being known to being sought after. Alternatively, I’ve completed the Personal Brand Builder and I’m seeking some additional 1:1.

Find out more.


I know that to have an effective & magnetic brand, I need to feel confident in who I am and how I share that with the world. I’m seeking support in doing so. I’m ready to waking up to who I am, what I have to offer and why it's so powerful.

Get in touch.

How it will benefit the individual?

The enhanced self awareness, authenticity and recognition of individuality that Human Design provides team members offers a trust in themselves that they may be yet to experience. This system offers valuable insights into unique challenges and growth opportunities which fosters a culture of continuous learning and development.

Human Design equips employees with a blueprint of who they are and what they offer, empowering them in the process. It details how they communicate, make decisions and work sustainably which supports their motivation and effectiveness within teams.

How it will benefit the team?

Tasks, team dynamics, work ethic, efficiency and communication improves, unlocking the true potential of teams, with the implementation of Human Design. Increased inclusion and an atmosphere of acceptance for diverse backgrounds and perspectives leads to enriched creativity, innovation and problem-solving.

How it will support the manager?

As a manager, you’ll better understand team dynamics and efficacy so you can improve internal systems and communication. With the knowledge of your teams’ Design, you’ll have a toolkit to understand them & the way they work more deeply, assigning roles that cater to each person's strengths and decision-making style.

How does it support the company?

A more appreciated, recognised and empowered employee will work harder and more efficiently. As a company that recognises employees, more will aspire to join.

As Richard Branson says “Employees come first. If you take care of your employees, they will take care of the clients.”

Human Design is a deeply accurate & practical assessment system that shows us how unique we are. It gives us a language to understand ourselves and helps us see our unique gifts and purpose.

After entering our birth details we’re given a visual representation of our ‘operating manual’ via a diagram called the Body Graph (see adjacent). This is a precise map that explains

Think of it like a cross between the Myers-Briggs Type test (your personality) and the Genotype (your genetic identity).

How is this different to other learning & development tools?

You’ve heard of Insights, you’ve heard of the Myers Briggs personality test but what systems such as these lack is the implementable guidance so your employees can take action or shift behaviour and feel empowered doing so.

Personality tests can change depending on moods or answers for test questions can be made based on how employees think they “should” answer.

Human Design is based on the make-up of an individual. It is known as the Science of Differentiation and celebrates individuality, empowering those who use it in both their personal and professional lives. It encourages people to bring their authentic selves to work which benefits the individual and the company’s overall success.

Read more in this blog post.

“Anna brings deeper self-awareness to people, teams, leaders and organisations to empower employees and create a more efficient & harmonious working environment.”

meet the founder

Anna Lois Davies

Anna Lois Davies is a strategic consultant who specialises in personal branding using Human Design to support businesses with a commitment to the personal and professional growth of their employees.

You know that your success as a global brand is closely intertwined with the development of your people. And you also want your employees to work effectively as a team so that the business thrives, as much as your employees do.

“The motivation to stay working for you has changed. Now your employees want to feel seen, heard and supported. This is what my work helps you do”

You know that your success as a global brand is closely intertwined with the development of your people. And you also want your employees to work effectively as a team so that the business thrives, as much as your employees do.

Anna Lois Davies is a strategic consultant who specialises in using Human Design to support businesses with a commitment to the personal and professional growth of their employees.

For Management

Are you a forward-thinking corporate teams manager searching for a unique and transformative experience for your team's wellbeing and growth?

For Individuals

Are you seeking pastures new? Do you want support in your career progression, recognising what your natural skills, are in combination with your expertise?

Welcome to Corporate Confidence.

“Anna brings deeper self-awareness to people, teams, leaders and organisations to empower employees and create a more efficient & harmonious working environment.”