Personal branding with Human Design - how each part of your Design can support your brand
the science of differentiation plays a pivotal role in how you see yourself and therefore how others see you.
Branding is a reputation or perception. When we see ourselves clearly, we allow others to see us in similar ways. Human Design brings a unique level of self awareness & language we may have previously not had access to. Human Design is The Science of Differentiation. Branding is how you differentiate yourself from your competitors. It makes sense then that the two go hand in hand, especially when you’re building or working on your personal brand.
When we use it in building, curating & sharing our personal brand it’ll support us with the following:
Self-Discovery and Authenticity
First and foremost, this system is about understanding ourselves in ways we haven’t done before. It brings with it a language of who we are and how we move through the world, thus taking us on a journey of deeper self-discovery. As a result, we unveil & step into authenticity because we get to know ourselves on a more unique level.
Life Purpose and Values
Did you know your Human Design BodyGraph shares with you what your energy wants to do in this world and with the placements of certain planets, shares your values too? This is the core of your brand. The core of all you do is rooted in your values. It’s what makes you magnetic because it’ll be what attracts those to you who share similar values.
Unique Talents and Gifts - Value Proposition
Human Design highlights qualities, skills, or attributes that make you stand out. Personal branding involves identifying and communicating your unique value proposition to attract the right audience or opportunities to you. The two go hand in hand. When you integrate this uniqueness into your personal brand you’ll stand out like a sore thumb in the best way possible.
Consistent Brand Messaging & Communication
Human Design provides insights into your communication style; how you share your voice, what your message is and what tone you’ll communicate with. Knowing these aspects can help in crafting a personal brand that communicates effectively and resonates with your intended audience.
Identity & Personality
The way you’ll catch the eye of your audience is through your personal brand identity and personality. To give you an example, those who know Human Design know I’m a Manifestor before they get that information, just from the visual identity & personality of what I present. You can draw on your Profile Lines, Energy Type, Authority, defined Centres, & so much more to strategically build a brand identity and define your brand personality.
Clarity, Confidence, Difference
When you are clear on what makes you different you build a level of confidence and can communicate in ways that boost your brand image & make you more appealing to those on-the-same-wavelength people you are seeking. The more you step into who you are, with whichever modality you use, the more you’ll stand out differently from those around you.
To me, the power of Human Design is unlike anything I’ve come across before. It has changed my brand for the better and allowed me to be all of me, confidently and it can do the same for you. If you’re looking to weave your Design into your brand & business so you can attract on-the-same-wavelength clients then get in touch for private 1:1 coaching or book in a session here.